Tag Archives: health

Asbestos and its international ecological and environmental impact

The century-long reign of asbestos as a commonplace building material may be over in most parts of the world, but its devastating ecological and environmental impact is likely to last for generations to come. That’s because asbestos fibres are found in our homes, our schools, and our government buildings, and can contaminate our soil and our drinking water. Prolonged exposure to asbestos is linked with fatal diseases—mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer. Let’s take a closer look at the consequences that this hidden killer has on our environment.

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Alert – Chemtrails

By Liloumace on 27 Sep 2011

From website www.whatintheworldaretheyspraying.info: breathtaking documentary exposé that uncovers the clandestine global geo-engineering operations underway for years.

Under the guise of the “global warming” fear campaign, governments and other corporations have been adding millions of tons of aluminium, barium, strontium, polymers, and other substances to the atmosphere around the world. This has been done without the knowledge or consent of the population!!! What are the effects? How does the ongoing dumping of chemicals into our skies affect the air we breathe, the sunlight we receive, our water and our soil?

more videos and info on Lilou’s juicy living tour http://www.juicylivingtour.com

Eco-friendlier cleaning products marketed

Published by AZ Central
on Thursday, 6 January 2010 by Mary MacVean
LOS ANGELES – Maybe 2011 is the year a clean start means returning to Grandma’s scrubbing ways and getting down on hands knees with simple baking soda and vinegar. Or maybe it means staring down that supermarket aisle of cleaning products and making better choices about the dizzying selection of powders and liquids that claim not only to clean but also to be healthy for people and the planet. Sustainable, Earth-friendly, green, renewable – what do the words tell a shopper? 

“The last 24 months was a real sea change as large traditional brands are introducing greener or green versions of products. I believe that trend will continue,” said Jeffrey Hollender, author of a new book, “Planet Home,” and former chief executive of the cleaning products company Seventh Generation.

“On the industry side, …

Greener home can be healthier too, says Hemingway

Published by Chicago Tribune
By Leslie Mann, Special to Tribune Newspapers on October 12, 2010
Whether we live in Hollywood, Calif., or Hollywood, Fla., we all want the same thing — health, says actress and author Mariel Hemingway.

The granddaughter of writer Ernest Hemingway found fame in the early ’80s for her movie roles. But in the past few years, she’s become well known as an advocate for healthy, green living. Currently, she’s working with the non-profit organization Healthy Child Healthy World and eco-friendly countertop-maker Cambria to promote healthy choices in the home. Our lifestyle decisions, she says, do not always contribute to good health. “We say we want faster and easier lives, but the result is slower and sadder because of foods and products we use.”

Health-focused home …

This is an interesting how things are changing.

Not so long time ago most of us wouldn’t even had a single thought about ‘green’ home to live in and now the health side of living in an eco house becomes important. I hope for it to turn into standard because it will benefit us all. I’m a strong evangelist of building eco-friendly, healthy, self-sustainable with 0-carbon footprint houses.

My wish is for every person living on the planet to have an eco-friendly house but being more realistic – lets have them everywhere where someone can benefit from having one. At the time of writing, my first port of call is the UK 🙂