Category Archives: Life

You Can

Today I would like to share with you one idea, the idea as old as the Universe but gracefully and with great love given to us – the idea of self-healing.

Louise Hay is one of the few who helps us understand it and use it for change and healing our life. Louise is not different to you or me but she found the way and now share it with love. Most of us may not be able to see or speak with her but she is an author of “You Can Heal Your Life” book which gives you all you need to so.

To help you further Louise Hay put together series of exercises (“Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook”) with Q&S and affirmations.

This interactive workbook is really about change. It directly applies Louise’s techniques of self-love and positive thinking to a wide range of topics that effect us all on a daily basis, including: Health Fears and Phobias, Sex, Self-Esteem, Money and Prosperity, Friendship, Addictive Behaviour, and, Work and Intimacy.
Yes, You Can Heal Your Life

Watch the below video

The Maya of Ethernal Time

I would like to share with you a wonderful video, in its content, where Drunvalo Melchizedek wisely explains what is happening with our world. He talks about Maya and their knowledge, their prophecies, crystal skulls and Atlantis links; the Earth, the Universe and the life and how all of them are connected.

It takes time to watch the whole thing but it is worth it and if this subject interest you, you will not regret.

I put all parts into a play list, so you can watch it in one easy go because every next part will load automatically. Enjoy 🙂


I case you are interested in going deeper into the structure of the Universe, its physics and geometry, here is a phenomenal presentation in this subject. Nassim Haramain scientifically explains how the Universe is built and how it is reflected within us, our (human) activities and the Earth. His lecture touches on Maya and Templar Knights.
He is fantastic and charismatic speaker, so you wont get bored 🙂


Crossing the Event Horizon